Sciennes Primary School Football Club is open to all boys and girls from P2 onwards, with P1 training introduced later in the season (after the Easter holidays).
What are the purpose and aims of the club?
The club aims to allow any boy or girl who attends the school to play and enjoy football with others of a similar age. As well as having fun and learning football skills, the club emphasises good sportsmanship, teamwork and fair play.
Where and when do we play?
The season begins in August at the beginning of the new school year and runs all the way through until June the following year. Sessions for the most part take place at The Meadows on Saturday mornings between 9:00am and 11:00am. For specific times lead coaches can advise.
In winter too?
In winter groups play Saturday mornings at various sports facilities in the south side of Edinburgh either indoors or on all-weather surfaces. Times may vary compared to normal outdoor times due to facility availability. Some teams may continue to play matches or train outdoors if the weather allows.
How is the club organised?
Boys play in year groups starting in P2. Girls play in double year groups: P2/3, P4/5, and P6/7. P1 children are invited to join introductory training sessions towards the end of the season.
How can I get my son or daughter involved?
- Registration for Sciennes School P2 to P7 boys and girls is via Parentpay at anytime during Sciennes School term-times, , which will be made accessible through the school website after the end of the preceding season. Players previously registered will receive a communication from the club about re-registering.
- Registration for Sciennes School P1 boys and girls can join after Easter Holidays for the summer term via the following link:
- Otherwise contact the club chairperson or secretary for further information:
What is the cost of membership and football club strips, and what is the process for ordering them?
- Membership currently costs £30 per year and is reviewed annually.
- Sciennes School football strips can also be ordered through The Football Nation.
- For those entitled to Income Support, membership is free, football strips can be purchased at 50% of the total cost.
- Orders can be collected from Football Nation or by arrangement from school reception.
- In case of difficulty, contact the club
- Shin pads are an essential piece of kit and must be worn. They can be purchased from any good sports shop.
Who coaches?
- All year groups are coached by the parents and or carers of children in those groups. Without them the club would not function. Parents of new P1 & P2 groups are very much encouraged to get involved, and are given initial assistance by other more experienced coaches. No great knowledge of the game is expected or required.
As a coach what resources are available to me?
- Coaches have access to the club’s Dropbox account, which has information about the running of the club and how it has evolved; captures player and coaches’ registers and provides areas for each year group to store training plans and other useful information.
- Coaches can also participate in coaching classes targeted specifically at coaching children. These classes run regularly at various venues throughout the region and the costs of coaching are paid for by the club.
How are sessions structured?
- Groups generally spend the first half of their sessions going through training routines set by their coaches, followed by fun matches. P4 – P7 boys groups and P4/P5 – P6/P7 girls groups may also play matches against other local schools in the different competitions organised by the City Council. These matches pause for groups during the winter.
Is there a Code of Conduct?
- Yes. The club has codes of conduct for players, coaches and parents/carers. Parents and coaches sign up to these during the registration process. These are available on request from coaches or can be accessed online here.
- Any disputes arising during sessions or matches can hopefully be resolved amicably by those involved. The Committee and Executive Committee is available to assist with such difficulties where required. The Chairperson and Secretary can be contacted in such cases.
Who is on the Committee?
- The Committee comprises the Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, Buyer (Merchandise), and a coach representative from each year group. The Executive Committee comprises the Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer and the Buyer.
- An additional 4 (maximum) registered Members from each of the year groups are invited the club’s AGM and may vote at that.
Is childcare provided during football sessions and matches?
- No. The club does not offer a child-minding service. It is expected that each child will have a parent or other responsible adult in attendance during sessions and matches.
Does the PVG Disclosure Scheme apply to the club?
- Yes. All coaches go through the disclosure process. Further information is available on request from the chairperson or secretary
Where can I buy Sciennes Football strips?